
The Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba: an Italian historical and cultural gem

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a magical and historical place that I had the fortune to visit: the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba. Located just a few kilometers from the municipality of Alseno, in the province of Piacenza, this Cistercian abbey was founded on April 11, 1136. In short, we are talking about a place that has spanned the centuries and is an Italian historical and cultural gem not to be missed.

The history of the abbey

To understand the importance of the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba, we must take a leap into the past and talk about its foundation. It was St. Bernard of Clairvaux who gave life to the first monastic community in 1136, choosing 12 monks from the Clairvaux Abbey. The area chosen for the settlement, as often happens in Cistercian monasteries, was quite rugged and one of the missions of the monks was to cultivate and reclaim the land. And this is where the famous formula Ora et labora comes into play.

The first official document mentioning the Abbey of Chiaravalle dates back to 1136 and was written by the Bishop of Piacenza, Arduino, who granted the monks their first land assets. The construction work of the basilica's body began only in 1145 and lasted for 200 years. Moreover, the abbey was often the victim of ransacks and fires, such as that of 1248 by Frederick II of Swabia. Despite everything, Chiaravalle was distinguished for its religious, scientific, literary and agronomic activities, with more than twenty dependent abbeys.

The Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba: an Italian historical and cultural treasure.

The "della Colomba" appellation

But now let's get to the origin of the "della Colomba" appellation. According to legend, while the monks were building the church in another area, a dove began to fly around them, carrying bits of straw to a place about three hundred meters further north. The dove outlined a church perimeter, indicating the correct place to build. This area is known as San Michele Arcangelo and has a chapel on the side of the apse. However, it is more likely that the dedication to Santa Maria della Colomba refers to the descent of the Holy Spirit into the womb of Mary during the Annunciation.

The commendation

Another serious problem that the abbey had to face was the use of the Commenda. This ecclesiastical benefit provided for the assignment of a prominent character as prior of the abbey, who lived far from the monastery and only collected its economic income. The Abbey of Chiaravalle was given in commendation by Pope Eugene IV in 1444, but not all of the commendatory priors neglected the abbey. Some of them took care of the complex of buildings, which expanded considerably also in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.


In conclusion, the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba is a lovely place that has spanned the centuries and represents an Italian historical and cultural heritage not to be missed. Its history is long and fascinating, made of moments of glory but also of difficulties and ransacks. However, despite everything, the abbey has always managed to stay alive, thanks to the dedication of the monks and the beauty of the place. If you have the chance to visit it, don't miss it!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Feb 19, 2023