
Alonte: a small town in the province of Vicenza

Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about a small Italian town located in the province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region, called Alonte. Alonte, or "Alonte" in Venetian, has a population of approximately 1577 inhabitants. If you are wondering what there is to see in this town, keep reading!

Origin of the name

The name Alonte has a possible pre-Latin origin with the term "lonta", which means "deep hole". However, there is also the possibility that it derives from the term "alont" of Latvian or Lithuanian origin, which means "spring". Additionally, the name may also be linked to the hydro-onym of Alento, a river with a base "al" that means "flow".

Alonte, between history and nature: discover the town in the province of Vicenza.

History of Alonte

On the hill overlooking Alonte, flint tools and human bones dating back to the Iron Age (4th century BCE- 6th century BCE) have been found. On the hill, rock-cut tombs have also been found, of which eight are still visible today. During the invasions of the Hungarians, it appears that Alonte had a system of fortifications that included the parish church, defined as "Santa Maria del castello" for the occasion.

During the Middle Ages, the name of Alonte appears for the first time in a manuscript dated 753. In 1312, the village of Alonte was devastated and burned during the fights between Vicenza and Scaligeri against the Paduans. In the 15th century, Alonte was enfeoffed to the noble Vicenza family of Proti, then to the Traversi and to the Fracanzani.

The ancient church of Alonte, mentioned in the "Ratio Decimarum" of 1297-1303, was outside the village and rose on the castle. The church was rebuilt and dedicated to Saint Blaise Bishop and Martyr in 1631, but was abandoned in 1878 because it was in danger of collapsing. In 1868, the construction of the new parish church in the town center began, designed by the engineer Antonio Trevisan. The interior features two altars, one with a painting of Saint Blaise and the other with a statue of Mary with the Child.


Here is a brief history of Alonte, a place that has ancient roots and can still be seen today. If you are in the area, take a trip to Alonte and discover the beauty of this small town with a great history!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022