
Welcome to Alife: a town of history, nature, and onions

Hello everyone, and welcome to Alife, a lovely town in the province of Caserta, located in the beautiful region of Campania. With a population of around 7,252 inhabitants, Alife is a lively and welcoming community, ready to welcome visitors from all over the world.

Physical geography

Alife is located in the beautiful historic city of Sannio, on the southern side of the Matese massif. The town extends over a wide area of 63.87 km² that goes from the banks of the Volturno river, a natural boundary to the south, to the large cultivated plateaus and mountainous areas. The town is bathed to the south by the Volturno river, while the historic center is crossed by the Torano, which divides into two branches. Alife's average seismicity (zone 2) is due to the fact that the town is close to the famous earthquakes of the Matese.

Alife: between history, nature, and onions

A bit of history

The town of Alife is one of the oldest in the Campania region and is historically documented from 499. It was the ancient bishopric seat and, while maintaining the bishopric seat, it is united with the neighboring diocese of Caiazzo in a single community, with the name of the diocese of Alife-Caiazzo. Alife has often been the scene of important historical events, such as the earthquakes that have shaken the entire Sannio region from the 16th century onwards. But, despite the difficulties, the inhabitants of Alife are proud of their history and cultural heritage.

The City of Onion

Alife is famous throughout Italy as the "city of onion". The cultivation of this vegetable has been present in the area for centuries and has long been the main source of livelihood for the town's inhabitants. Today, the town continues to celebrate its culinary tradition with the Onion Fair, an annual festival that attracts visitors from all over Italy to taste delicious dishes based on this vegetable.

What to visit in Alife

The town of Alife offers many tourist attractions, including:

Outdoor activities

If you love nature and outdoor activities, Alife offers many opportunities for hiking or biking in the woods of the Matese or along the banks of the Volturno. You could also try fishing on the riverbanks or have a picnic among the beautiful landscapes of the Alife plain.


In summary, Alife is a fascinating town that offers a lot to visitors. With its ancient history, culinary tradition, natural beauty, and tourist attractions, Alife is an unmissable stop for anyone visiting Campania. Do not hesitate to come and visit us and let yourself be enchanted by the hospitality and beauty of this unforgettable place!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Sunday, Oct 2, 2022