Alice Superiore

Alice Superiore: a small village immersed in Piedmont's nature

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Alice Superiore, a small village nestled in the nature of the Metropolitan City of Turin, in Piedmont. With its 711 inhabitants, Alice Superiore was part of the autonomous municipalities of the surrounding area until 2018, but now it is part of the new municipality of Val di Chy.

But let's talk about the physical geography. Alice Superiore is located in Val Chiusella, 15 km from Ivrea and on the banks of the Chiusella river, from which the valley takes its name. One of the main attractions of this small village is the downstream lake, a true spectacle of nature. Furthermore, in 2009 the "Laghi di Meugliano e Alice" were recognized as a community interest site.

An uncertain toponymy but linked to water abundance

The toponymy of Alice Superiore is uncertain, but all the etymologies are linked to the abundance of water in the area. According to some ancient sources, the meaning could be "high" and "water", but other theories speak of "Halex" or "Alex", which, in a forced interpretation, means "water officia".

Alice Superiore, a medieval village between nature and history.

Medieval history and architecture of the village

Alice Superiore has a rich medieval history, having belonged to the bishops of Vercelli and Ivrea and participated in the anti-feudal revolt of tuchinaggio in the 14th century. In the village, you can still admire the characteristic architecture of the period, such as the cobblestone walls composed of herringbone and the typical "flag" doors.

The merger of municipalities and monuments of interest

In May 2018, the inhabitants of Alice Superiore, Pecco, and Lugnacco voted for the merger of the three municipalities, giving life to the new municipality of Val di Chy. But what are the monuments and places of interest in Alice Superiore? During the excavation of the peat bogs, prehistoric objects dating back more than 3,000 years ago were found. In the Gauna hamlet, you can visit the church dedicated to San Rocco, while the Parish of San Martino is a work of art distinguished from an artistic point of view. Here, in fact, you can admire the frescoes of the Stornone brothers and the Altarpiece of the Vacca's Choir.

In short, Alice Superiore is a small village with a rich historical past and unspoiled nature that is worth visiting. If you want to get away from the city routine, this is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the tranquility of the Piedmont countryside and discover the beauty of our rich cultural heritage.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Saturday, Jun 18, 2022