Alice Bel Colle

Alice Bel Colle: a municipality among the vineyards of Piedmont

Alice Bel Colle is a municipality located in the province of Alessandria, in the heart of the Piedmont region. With a population of about 739 inhabitants, the town is famous for its large vineyards that extend on the slopes of the Rio Medrio, a left tributary of the Bormida River.

Physical geography

The municipality is located about 5.8 kilometers from Acqui Terme, in a panoramic position on the eastern slope of the Rio Medrio valley. In the valley bottom is Alice Bel Colle Stazione, on the Strada statale 456 del Turchino, not far from the exit of the railway tunnel that crosses the ridge between the Val Belbo and Val Bormida valleys.

Alice Bel Colle: between vineyards and the history of Piedmont.


The village of Alice Bel Colle was owned by the counts of Acquesana until 1070, partially passing under the domination of the marquises of Occimiano who ceded its rights to Alessandria. Later, the town came under the Marchesato del Monferrato which expanded its dominion over the entire feudal system in 1278. After the death of Giangiorgio Paleologo in 1533, last representative of the Monferrato dynasty, the town passed to the Gonzaga of Mantua thanks to the mediation of emperor Carlo V. In 1708, finally, Alice Bel Colle was subjected to the dominion of the Savoy.


The coat of arms of the municipality represents a turreted castle of silver on the blue and white checkerboard, with the golden head charged with a blue arrowed cross. The gonfalon is a white flag bordered in blue.


Over the last hundred years, the population of Alice Bel Colle has been reduced by two thirds. However, the town continues to be very lively and festive. There are indeed three main festivals: the patron saint festival of S. Giovanni Battista on June 24, the festival of the Madonna Assunta in the upper village on August 15, and the festival of the Nativity of Mary in the Stazione village on September 8.


The economy of Alice Bel Colle is mainly agricultural, with viticulture as the main activity. The town's vineyards produce excellent varieties of wine such as moscato, barbera, Brachetto d'Acqui, spumante and dolcetto. There are two social wineries and as many companies for wine and grappa production. The town also produces cereals and fodder.

Infrastructure and transport

Alice Bel Colle is accessible via the Strada statale 456 del Turchino which crosses the fractions of Borgo Stazione, Borgo Vignale and Vallerana. The town also has a bronze category railway station, called Alice Bel Colle, on the Asti-Genoa Railway in the Asti-Acqui Terme section.


The administration of Alice Bel Colle is formed by the mayor and the municipal council. In recent years, the town has seen an increase in active citizen participation in decision-making processes and greater attention to the promotion of the territory.


Alice Bel Colle is a municipality of ancient charm and authentic beauty. Its large vineyards and imposing castle make the town a perfect destination for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty. Thanks to the vitality of the local community and its rich cultural offer, Alice Bel Colle is a place to visit and discover calmly, savoring its local flavors and traditions.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Jul 27, 2022