
Let's discover the fraction of Valmadonna

If you're looking to explore a fraction rich in history and traditions, Valmadonna might be the right destination for you. This fraction of Alessandria has about 2322 inhabitants and is located 116 meters above sea level, just 7.10 kilometers from the capital.

Infrastructure and Transport

You can get to Valmadonna by either train or bus. The fraction has a train station, located on the common section between the Chivasso-Alessandria, Novara-Alessandria, and Pavia-Alessandria railway lines. Additionally, there are various bus and coach services connecting the fraction to Alessandria, Valenza, and other neighboring locations.

Valmadonna: history, art and nature in a hamlet of Alessandria.

Monuments and Places of Interest

If you're passionate about art and architecture, you might find what you're looking for in Valmadonna. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Assumed into Heaven is one of the most important religious buildings in the fraction and was built in 1739. But the area was probably already used for religious purposes in the 13th century, when a church was present in the area. Other important monuments in the fraction include a monument in memory of the fallen of the world wars and a harp-shaped sculpture created by master Corsanini of Milan in memory of Franco Provera, president of the province of Alessandria.


If you want to deepen your knowledge of the local culture, Valmadonna also offers several opportunities for education. There are two school complexes in the fraction: the Vittorino da Feltre elementary school built in 1888 and the Elsa Malpaganti nursery school.


If you're interested in the history of the fraction, Valmadonna has much to offer. The fraction was established between the 11th and 12th centuries when many families moved from the surrounding countryside of the newly founded Alessandria, while the humbler ones settled in the hills and valleys that would become the current territory of the fraction. The name of the ancient settlement, Astigliano, remained so until the 15th century, then it was changed to Valle delle Grazie and finally, since 1858, to the current Valmadonna.


If you're a sports enthusiast, you won't be bored in Valmadonna! The local football club, A.S.D. Soms Valmadonna, was founded in the late 1970s and has been playing steadily in the third category since 2010.

In conclusion, Valmadonna is an idyllic fraction with many opportunities to appreciate history, culture, and sports. If you're looking for a tranquil and charming place, don't miss the chance to visit!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022