Spinetta Marengo

Spinetta Marengo: a description of the hamlet of Alessandria

Spinetta Marengo is a hamlet located in the Piedmont region in the north-west of Italy, within the municipality of Alessandria. With a population of about 7,337 inhabitants, Spinetta Marengo boasts a rich history and culture.

History of Spinetta Marengo

The area of Spinetta Marengo has been documented since the time of the Lombard kings, where it seems to have been a royal Court. The first documented sources of Spinetta Marengo date back to that flourishing period, with King Cuniperto and the usurper Alachis who frequently hunted on the lands of Spinetta Marengo and Orba.

The Ligurian race against Arab piracy made it possible for the importance of the western Po Valley hinterland, including Spinetta Marengo, to be favored in Carlogini. This was useful for setting up and participating in the defense of the Ligurian coasts. For example, in February 825, Lothair I organized an expedition against the Saracens of Corsica during a stay at the court of Spinetta Marengo.

Another example from the chronicles preceding the city of Alessandria can be found in the year 898, when Emperor Lambert II of Spoleto died during a hunting trip in Spinetta Marengo. According to Liutprando di Cremona, the emperor did not have an accident, but was assassinated by Ugo di Maginfredo during the hunting trip to avenge the killing of his father Maginfredo I of Milan.

The Battle of Marengo, on June 14, 1800, was the scene of an important battle between the French army commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte and the Austrian army, led by General Michael von Melas. The French victory consolidated the power of the future emperor and allowed him to regain control of Italy. This historic battle has drawn the attention of many to the historical events of Spinetta Marengo.

Spinetta Marengo: history and culture of a Piedmontese village.

Culture of Spinetta Marengo

In Spinetta Marengo, in 1928, precious Roman-era artifacts from the second century were found near the village of Marengo during agricultural excavations carried out in a field owned by the Pederbona farm. The objects, all in poor condition, included, among others: a Lorica bust (chest armor) depicting Emperor Lucio Vero made of embossed silver sheet, an "ansate tabula" also made of silver, bearing a dedication "Fortuna Melior" by Marco Vindio Veriano, commander of the Flavia fleet stationed in Mesia at the end of the second century, a silver vase decorated with acanthus leaves, a band depicting a series of gods, and a female head worked in relief.

These objects come from a shrine dedicated to "Fortuna Melior" or a college devoted to the imperial cult, probably located in the city of Pavia, an ancient city in the Lombardy region. The Marengo treasure was probably the loot from a raid that occurred, probably in the late Roman era.

Undergoing restoration, the objects are now preserved in the Museum of Antiquities in Turin. The story related to the discovery and delivery of the treasure to the state is shrouded in mystery.


Spinetta Marengo is a hamlet located in the Piedmont region in the north-west of Italy, within the municipality of Alessandria. The hamlet has a very interesting history, dating back to the times of the Lombard kings, and including historical events such as the Battle of Marengo. Furthermore, Spinetta Marengo also has a rich culture, as demonstrated by the Marengo treasure, which includes Roman artifacts of great historical significance. I strongly recommend visiting Spinetta Marengo for anyone who wants to better understand the history and culture of Italy.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022