
Discovering Castelceriolo

Welcome to Castelceriolo, a charming hamlet of the municipality of Alessandria located east of the municipal territory on the right bank of the Bormida river. Here you can admire an ancient village located about 93 meters above sea level on the slope of Fraschetta towards the Po, just 5 km from the city of Alessandria.


The settlement of the hamlet of Castelceriolo has very ancient origins, as evidenced by the Roman ruins and the abundant deposits of Roman wine amphorae that have come to light. Even more ancient are the traces of human settlements found underground, dating back to prehistoric times.

The Castelceriolo castle was built in the twelfth century to protect the cluster of huts that took on the definitive appearance of a village. In 1468, the Ghilini family obtained the fief of Castelceriolo from the Government of Milan. Giuliano I Ghilini and his brother Giovanni II were the first lords of Castelceriolo and took up residence in the castle. In the sixteenth century, the castle was restored and configured as a fortress with a tower and turrets, surrounded by a deep, floodable moat topped by a drawbridge.

Castelceriolo: history, nature and gastronomy.

Places to visit

Castelceriolo includes the town center grouped around the parish church dedicated to St. George, the hamlet of Cascinali Foco and some neighboring farms. The main streets are via Ollearo, via Louis Charles Antoine Desaix, via Sale, via Buffalora, via San Giuliano Nuovo. The village consists of two squares: Piazza delle Scuole and Piazzetta San Rocco.

The parish church dedicated to St. George is a neoclassical building and was built in the eighteenth century on the site of a previous Romanesque church. The façade of the church is decorated with statues of St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. George killing the dragon.

Another place to visit in Castelceriolo is the castle, built in the twelfth century and restored in the sixteenth century. Although visible only from outside, the castle is one of the historical symbols of the village.

Recreational activities

Castelceriolo is an excellent destination for those who want to enjoy a vacation in nature and relaxation. Here you can take long walks in the woods, go trekking and mountain biking, and visit the numerous neighboring farms.

In addition, the village hosts several sporting activities such as the municipal swimming pool, bocce court, and football field.

What to eat in Castelceriolo

The cuisine of Castelceriolo is excellent and can be enjoyed in numerous restaurants and taverns in the village. Local specialties include bagna cauda, rice cake, Piedmontese omelet, and porcini mushroom risotto.


In conclusion, Castelceriolo is a small Piedmontese village with an ancient history and a breathtaking view of the Bormida river. Here you can spend moments of relaxation, take long walks in nature, and enjoy the genuine local cuisine. We look forward to welcoming you to Castelceriolo!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022