
ciaoalbiano: Let's discover together the Italian municipalities with the name Albiano!

Are you curious to know how many Italian municipalities are named Albiano? Well, I suggest you read this brief article where I will tell you everything you need to know about these municipalities and their location in Italy.


Discover Albiano: Hidden Treasures of Small Italian Communities.

Albiano (Trentino-Alto Adige)

Let's start with Albiano located in the province of Trento, in the Trentino-Alto Adige region. The municipality is about 14 kilometers southwest of the city of Trento, at an altitude of 354 meters above sea level. Albiano is a small municipality characterized by its narrow alleys and historic houses, typical of mountain architecture.

Albiano (Minucciano)

Now we move to Tuscany, precisely in the province of Lucca, where we find Albiano, a fraction of the municipality of Minucciano. In ancient times, Albiano was an important crossing point for those crossing the Apuan Alps. Today, it is a quiet town, surrounded by greenery, where you can take long walks in the mountains or visit the remains of the ancient castle.

Albiano (Montemurlo)

The third Albiano we encounter is located in Tuscany, precisely in the province of Prato. Albiano is part of the municipality of Montemurlo, located at the foot of the Apennine hills. Its strategic location makes it an excellent starting point for those who want to explore the renowned Tuscan cities, such as Florence and Pistoia.

Albiano d'Ivrea

Now moving to the northwest of Italy, we find Albiano d'Ivrea, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Turin. With its approximately 466 meters above sea level, Albiano d'Ivrea is placed in a panoramic position, from which you can admire the arc of the Alps and Mount Blanc. Here, nature lovers can find numerous walks through the woods and meadows.

Albiano Magra

Finally, the fifth Albiano is located in the province of Massa and is part of the municipality of Aulla. Albiano Magra is a fraction of Aulla, located a few kilometers from the border with the Liguria region. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of the Magra River and visit the castles that characterize this area of northern Tuscany.


Albiano (geology)

But that's not all! Albiano is not only the name of these Italian municipalities, but also a geological age. The Albiano is a period of the Cretaceous period, precisely from 112.6 to 99.6 million years ago. During this period, the formation of the famous Atlantic Ocean and the spread of the first flowers on Earth were witnessed.

ciaoalbiano: explore the treasures of these small Italian municipalities!

I have briefly told you the story of these Italian municipalities called Albiano and their geographical location in Italy. Each of these towns has its own characteristics and hidden treasures, which deserve to be explored. So, if you want to experience a true discovery adventure of Italian beauties, do not miss the opportunity to visit these small municipalities and discover everything they offer!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022