
Greetings and Introduction

Hello friends! Today we will talk about a beautiful town in the province of Foggia, Alberona. With its 843 inhabitants, Alberona is located between the mountains of Daunia, on the slopes of Monte Stillo at the border with Campania.

Description of the Territory

The municipal territory is largely forested, crossed by two streams: Salsola to the north, Vulgano to the south, Marano and Casanova, and streams like Canale dei Tigli. The climate is sub-Mediterranean, with mild summers and humid winters, occasionally snowy.

Alberona: a municipality among the mountains of Daunia.


The origins of Alberona date back to the year 1000 when Frederick II of Swabia created a Muslim settlement in Lucera in 1220. With the alliance of Frederick II with the Saracens, the latter acquired extensive rights to timber in the forests of Alberona's territory. In 1239, with the confiscation of the property of the knighthood orders, the control of Alberona passed from the hands of the Templar Knights. Many battles were fought in Alberona during the Angevin rule up to 1418.

Subsequently, Alberona was hit by many calamities in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and was shaken by the plague in 1656, causing the death of 384 people. In 1808, the presence of the Knights of Malta in Alberona ended, and the rampant brigandage caused the death of 66 residents. After the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, the passage of Alberona from the diocese of Volturara to the diocese of Lucera-Troia solved the ecclesiastical issue.


Since the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century, Alberona has been affected by the migratory phenomenon typical of small municipalities of that historical period. Many residents of Alberona stayed in large cities such as the United States, Brazil, and Venezuela, while others moved to northern Italy and the municipalities of Tavoliere delle Puglie and Naples.


So here is the history and characteristics of Alberona! A wonderful place that deserves to be visited. If you have the opportunity to visit Puglia, do not miss the chance to explore this beautiful mountain town. Thank you for reading my text and see you next time!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Feb 26, 2022