
Magliano Vetere: a Municipality in the Province of Salerno

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Magliano Vetere, a small municipality with 606 inhabitants located in the province of Salerno, in Campania. Magliano Vetere is made up of three hamlets: Capizzo, Magliano Nuovo, and Palazzo Soccorso.

Physical Geography

Although located in a medium-intensity seismic zone, Magliano Vetere is an enchanting place due to its strategic position between the valley of the Calore Lucano river and the valley of the Alento river (Campania). Magliano Vetere is separated from the two valleys by a mountain range along which the Vesole, Faito, and Chianiello mountains extend.

Magliano Vetere: History and Strategic Location in Campania

The History of Magliano Vetere

Magliano Vetere has always been an important communication point between the valley of the Calore Lucano river and that of the Alento river (Campania). Its strategic position allowed it to control most of the transit that moved from the Cilento coast to the interior and vice versa.

The presence of some archaeological finds shows that even in pre-Roman times there were inhabited nuclei along the courses of the Calore Lucano and Alento rivers (Campania).

According to some historians, the hamlet of Magliano Nuovo became an important and fortified center as early as the 6th century A.D. by order of the Goths who were interested in controlling the strategic communication route through the territory.

The first historical document that mentions Magliano dates back to May 29, 848 and is found in the Codice Diplomatico Cavese. Later, in 1008, the municipality became one of the strategic points for the control of the Preta Perciata pass.

Magliano Vetere over time

Magliano Vetere has often been the subject of disputes and transfers of lordship over the centuries. It was considered an important center not only by the Lombards but also by the Normans when they organized the administration of the local territory under the Barony of Novi Velia.

In 1074, the Preta Perciata pass became one of the 14 passes of the South with the right to toll. Over time, Magliano Vetere became the seat of one of the four States in which the Barony of Novi Velia was divided, and the universities of Magliano Vetere, Capizzo, Stio, and Gorga (Italy) were aggregated to the State of Magliano.


In conclusion, Magliano Vetere is a small municipality in the province of Salerno that has a very important strategic position, allowing it to control most of the transit that moves from the Cilento coast to the interior and vice versa. Visiting Magliano Vetere means immersing yourself in centuries of history and discovering a series of ancient traditions. I hope I have piqued your curiosity and that one day you can visit this beautiful municipality!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, Jun 16, 2022