
Discovering Chizzola, the hamlet of Ala along the banks of the Adige River

Chizzola is a small hamlet in the municipality of Ala, in Trentino Alto Adige. Located on the right bank of the Adige, Chizzola has three inhabited localities: Santa Cecilia to the north, Villetta and Santa Lucia to the south. In this article, we will discover the points of interest that make this place unique and fascinating.


Chizzola is connected to the east with Serravalle, through a bridge inaugurated in the 1950s, which crosses the Adige. To the north of Chizzola lies the Sorna, a small tributary of the Adige. The position of Chizzola offers a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains, from which you can admire the beauty of the Adige Valley.

Chizzola: the fraction of Ala between history and nature.


Until 1928, Chizzola was an autonomous municipality, but in that year it was annexed to Ala. Today, Chizzola is part of the hamlets of Ala along with Serravalle, Pilcante, Santa Margherita and Marani.

Monuments and places of interest

Religious architecture

Chizzola is rich in religious buildings of great importance.

The Church of Santa Cecilia, dating back to the 12th-13th century, is a Gothic building with a rectangular plan that preserves some traces of original frescoes on the pillars and walls of the nave. The bell tower, very slender, characterizes the panorama visible also from nearby villages.

The Church of Santa Lucia, in turn, is located at the beginning of the small hamlet of Santa Lucia. Dating back to the 13th-14th century, it has been rebuilt several times due to disastrous seismic events.

The Church of San Nicolò is a parish church dating back to the 13th century. This church hosted the Scalabrinian Seminary between 1921 and 1931. Today it is decorated with baroque furnishings.

Finally, the Chapel of the Holy Cross, dating back to 1727, is located on the hill between Chizzola and Serravalle and is easily reachable from the center of Chizzola. The Chapel has recently been restored and features a beautiful wooden altar.

Military architecture

Among the military buildings, we find Castel Chizzola, documented since 1270, but which fell into ruin already in the 16th century. The castle has large walls and a high tower from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the valley. Castel Sajori is another military building located in the area of Chizzola, already documented in 1215.


The hamlet of Chizzola is a charming place located along the banks of the Adige River, which offers multiple opportunities for nature and history lovers. Visiting the ancient churches and castle ruins is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the history of the area. In addition, the panoramic beauty offers a unique and unforgettable experience, worth living.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Mar 21, 2022