
Hello friends, today I will tell you about Ala, a municipality in the autonomous province of Trento, located at the end of the Valle dei Ronchi in Vallagarina. The territory of Ala is characterized by important mountain ranges and plateaus that surround it, such as the Carega Group and Pasubio to the east, the Valle dei Ronchi and the Brentonico Plateau to the south, and the center of Rovereto that extends to the north.

Physical Geography

Ala is a municipality in the southern part of the province of Trento, located a few kilometers away from the capital city and about 15 kilometers from Rovereto. The city borders the regions of Veneto, Verona, and Vicenza, and its territory is crossed by the Adige River which flows shortly before entering the Po Valley, north of Verona.

Origin of the Name

The name of the city of Ala could derive from various sources: from a Roman settlement identified in the 3rd century as ''Ad Palatium'', from the existence of a wing of the Roman army in the area, from the wing-like shape of the inhabited center, or from the term "ala" in the Ugric-Finnish language which means "stop" or "cave".

Wing: history, nature and food in the heart of Trentino.


The oldest traces of human settlements in Ala date back to about 40,000 years ago, when Neanderthal Man frequented the area. Subsequently, about 15,000-10,000 years ago, groups of Homo Sapiens began to frequent the territory together with large herbivores, as evidenced by the archaeological traces found in Malga Cornafessa and the loc. Sega di Ala.

During the Early and Middle Neolithic, the territory of Ala was frequented by human groups who used the area as a cemetery.

Recent History

Ala reached its maximum importance during World War I, when it was considered a border station between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Following the end of the war and the subsequent annexation of Alto Adige to Italy, the city lost much of its strategic importance.

In recent years, the city of Ala has experienced new development, becoming a place of great interest for outdoor and mountain sports enthusiasts. The renovation of the historic buildings of the city, the new tourist facilities, and cultural initiatives have contributed to its rebirth.

Places to Visit

One of the main attractions of Ala is its historic center, characterized by numerous buildings in Gothic and Renaissance style. Among the most suggestive places, we mention the castle of Avio, the church of San Giovanni Battista, the civic tower, and the municipal palace.

Among the main natural attractions, not to be missed is the Valle dei Ronchi, a protected natural area that includes panoramic hiking trails and the Valletta dei Ronchi waterfall.

Food and Wine

The area of Ala is famous for its wines, such as Trentino DOC, Valdadige Rosso, and Marzemino. Typical dishes of the area include potato gnocchi, canederli, polenta, and vegetable soups.


In short, if you are looking for a place to combine culture, nature, and cuisine, Ala can be the right choice! This city offers visitors a complete experience, thanks to its unique location and its history full of charm. Come and visit Ala and you won't be disappointed by the many surprises it will reserve for you.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Mar 21, 2022