
Welcome to Agnosine

Welcome to Agnosine, a small town of 1622 inhabitants located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. Let's discover together some interesting details about the geography, history, and tourist attractions of the place.

Physical Geography

Agnosine: history, geography and tourist attractions in Val Sabbia.


Agnosine is located in the central-western area of Val Sabbia, in an area called "Conca d'Oro", crossed by the Vrenda river. The territory is predominantly mountainous and ranges from an altitude of 320 to 1000 meters above sea level.


Agnosine is located in seismic zone 2, where earthquakes can be quite strong.


The climate of Agnosine belongs to the E climatic zone.

Origins of the Name

The name Agnosine probably derives from the dialect term "Gnusen" or from the Latin "agnus" (lamb) due to the presence of herds in the area.


Agnosine was part of the territories of the Visconti of Milan, until it passed to the Quadra of Valle Sabbia in 1440 under the domain of Galvano da Nozza.


The coat of arms of Agnosine, which represents a lamb, is probably a speaking weapon to remember the name of the municipality.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Natural Areas and Trails

The Fontanino path is a beautiful walk accessible from a road that runs along the Bondaglio creek. The area takes its name from a precious natural resource, water, which was seen as a treasure by the inhabitants of Agnosine and the neighboring villages. It was believed that visiting the Santella Mora in the beech forest next to the Fontanino area guaranteed graces and intercessions to the saints and the Virgin Mary.


Demographic Evolution

In recent years, the population of Agnosine has remained almost stable, with a number of inhabitants of around 1600.


Here is the list of mayors elected by citizens from 1995 to today.


In this section, you can add any notes or curiosities you have discovered about Agnosine.

Other Projects

Here you can find any links to external sites where you can deepen your knowledge of Agnosine and its beauties.

In conclusion, Agnosine is a small gem immersed in Val Sabbia, with a varied landscape and numerous outdoor activities to offer visitors. If you have the opportunity to visit this area, we highly recommend not to miss it!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022