
The Battle of Agnadello: a defeat for Venice


Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the Battle of Agnadello, which took place on May 14, 1509, between the army of the Republic of Venice and the French forces led by King Louis XII. But before getting into the details, let's take a look at the background.

At the end of 1508, the Treaty of Cambrai was signed, which saw numerous European powers united against Venice, at the height of its power with Italian mainland possessions reaching as far as Milan, Romagna, Marche, and Apulia. During the winter, the armies would temporarily stay in the countryside or villages at the expense of the locals, but with the arrival of spring, the French moved first, thanks to their powerful army composed of heavy cavalry and modern artillery.

The Battle

When the French invaded Venetian territory on April 15, 1509, the city of Treviglio immediately surrendered without resistance. The Republic of Venice, aware of its economic and military power, decided to face the situation and gathered troops from all over its territory, about 40,000 men, including many mercenaries.

The battle took place on May 14, 1509, and was fought in the area of Gera d'Adda. Despite having many troops available, Venice was not able to defeat the French forces, considered the most powerful in Europe. Among King Louis XII's knights were important names such as Jacques de La Palice, Charles II d'Amboise, Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, Pierre Terrail de Bayard, and others.

The defeat of Venice at Agnadello: the story of a battle.


The Republic of Venice suffered a heavy defeat and had to give up its hopes of expansion in Italy. Among its troops were also some condottieri suspected of betrayal, such as Pandolfo IV Malatesta and Giacomo Secco da Caravaggio.


Did you know that the Battle of Agnadello was initially saved thanks to the intervention of a peasant named Asparasso? He woke up earlier than the other locals and went to the Adda river where he saw a French army building a bridge. He managed to intervene between the two sides and block the bridge, allowing the Venetian troops to prepare in time for the battle. In recognition, Asparasso was awarded the ancient exemption from paying any taxes.

And that's all for today! I hope I have sparked your interest in the history of the Battle of Agnadello. See you next time!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022