Adrara San Rocco

Discovering Adrara San Rocco

Hello everyone! Today, I will talk about Adrara San Rocco, a small municipality in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy.


The history of this town dates back to the Middle Ages when the area was involved in the struggle between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines. To protect themselves, a castle was built and a significant immigration of people fleeing from the surrounding areas occurred. In the fourteenth century, the territory passed under the dominion of the Calepio family, and in the following century, the Republic of Venice put an end to the factional struggles.

Discover Adrara San Rocco: History, Territory and Events.

From San Martino to San Rocco

During the Venetian domination, Adrara San Martino was divided into two different municipalities: Adrara San Martino and Adrara San Rocco. However, the formalization of the division only took place in 1754.

The issue of the split remained vivid in the memories of citizens for at least two centuries. The events of the village were parallel to those of Adrara San Martino since San Rocco, like the twin municipality, passed from Venetian to Austrian domination.

Equally difficult was the promotion of the church of San Rocco to a parish, a process that was not only opposed by the inhabitants of Adrara San Martino but also by those of San Rocco itself, who obstinately continued to consider themselves parishioners of San Martino.


Adrara San Rocco is located about 22 kilometers east of the orobic Bergamo. It is situated in the small valley which, crossed by the Guerna stream, branches off from the high Valcalepio until it reaches the hills of San Fermo. The municipality is part of the Comunità Montana dei Laghi Bergamaschi.


During the Venetian period, the municipality experienced a period of calm and a resurgence of economic activities. Today, Adrara San Rocco has an economy mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming.


Adrara San Rocco has a very active calendar of events throughout the year. One of the most important events is the Sagra di San Rocco, which takes place every August in honor of the patron saint. In addition, music festivals, sports, and cultural events are organized throughout the year.


In summary, Adrara San Rocco is a beautiful municipality in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy, with a very interesting history and an economy mainly based on agriculture and livestock farming. Moreover, there are many events throughout the year that make the town a lively and welcoming place. We can't wait to visit it!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Jan 9, 2022