
Welcome to Acri!

We welcome you to the beautiful city of Acri, located in the province of Cosenza in Calabria. This city has a population of around 19,644 inhabitants and is a perfect place for a trip to Italy.

Discover the Geography of Acri

Acri is located at an altitude of 720 meters at the foot of the Sila and the Noce mountains. Its territory extends for over 271 km and dominates the Mucone and Crati valleys. If you love rivers, you won't have a hard time finding one that suits you here in Acri. Among the rivers that cross the territory are the Mucone, Calamo (stream), Duglia (also called the river of slaves), San Martino, Cieracò, Coriglianeto, Chàdamia, Trionto and Galatrella. You can also enjoy the untouched nature of the area; however, you should be careful as the territory of Acri has often been hit by forest fires in recent years.

Acri: The city between Sila and the mountains with a millennial history.

Meaning of the Name

The name Acri, in the local dialect, is pronounced "Èacri". According to some theories, the etymology of the name derives from the Greek ακρα (Akra), which means "summit". The origin of the city's name is contested, but it is already attested in 1324 when it is referred to as "In castro Acri" or "in the fortified city of Acra". The inhabitants of Acri are called acresi, but the term acritani is also spreading.

A Brief History of Acri

The city of Acri has a rich history dating back to the pre-Brutian era. Acri could be identified as the ancient city of Pandosia, and its first king could have been Italo, from which the term Italy derives. Throughout its history, the city has been under the control of numerous governments including the Byzantines, Normans, Swabians, Angevins, and finally the Bourbons. The heraldic symbol of Acri consists of three mountains surmounted by three stars with the inscription "Acrae, Tri Vertex, Montis Fertilis, U.A. (Acrense University)".

Monuments and Places of Interest in Acri

Acri boasts several places of great tourist interest, including religious architectures of remarkable beauty such as the Church of the Madonna del Rinfresco, built by the parson Giacomo De Piris in 1521, Church of San Francesco di Paola, the Basilica of the Blessed Angelo d'Acri, and the Church of Santa Chiara. Don't miss the Ancient Church of the Capuchin Friars and the adjoining convent and the Church of the Annunciation, whose first historical citation dates back to 1269. You can admire the frescoes by Raffaele d'Alvisio and a Byzantine-Gothic style fresco depicting the deposition of Jesus Christ on Golgotha by an unknown artist.

Climate of Acri

The climate of Acri is Mediterranean, with mild temperatures in winter and hot in summer. Thanks to its privileged location, the city has a mild climate all year round, making it an excellent destination for a vacation even off-season.


Acri is a wonderful city with a rich history and many tourist attractions. Its location between the Sila and Noce mountains makes it an ideal place for nature lovers. Here you can take a break from the frenzy of the city and enjoy a serene and relaxing environment while appreciating the beauty of the landscape. Don't hesitate any longer, come visit Acri!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Monday, Nov 21, 2022