
A Medieval Jewel

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small village that I discovered during a day trip: Configni. It is a fraction of Acquasparta, in the province of Terni, with an ancient and fascinating history. The village is located at about 380 meters above sea level and is only two kilometers away from the capital. One of the things that impressed me the most about Configni is the panoramic view that can be enjoyed from the top of the village: you can admire a landscape that ranges as far as Todi.

A History to Discover

But let's talk about the history of Configni. The village was built during the medieval period and even today is embellished by the presence of two remains of fortresses that were occupied by soldiers. The Rocca di Montalbano was once a military garrison, while the Castle of Configni belonged to the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Farfa. Over the centuries, the town passed through the hands of different noble families, such as the Orsini and the Martani, and gained its independence only in more recent times.

Configni: medieval treasure among the hills of Terni.

An Annual Festival

Today, Configni has become a quiet place where agriculture is the main source of livelihood: olive and grape vines are cultivated, and the town is characterized by private homes and beautiful views. One of the most important events of the year is the festival of the "Madonna Addolorata" which takes place every second Sunday of September. But the town also celebrates its patron saint, Saint Stephen, who is celebrated on December 26th.

A Journey into the Past

If you love art and history, Configni is the place for you! There are two monuments not to be missed: the first fortress was of a quadrangular plan, but now it is reduced to a ruin. Of the second fortress, however, two square towers still remain, united by a building with an internal courtyard, in good condition. Imagining what life was like in the medieval village is an exciting experience.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a quiet place to relax and learn about the history of Italy, Configni is the place for you. You can admire the magnificent panoramas, taste typical dishes of the local cuisine, and participate in the traditional festivities of the town. And if you decide to visit Configni, don't forget to take a trip to the medieval fortresses and enjoy the atmosphere of the past that can be breathed in this enchanting village.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022