Acquanegra Cremonese

Discovering Acquanegra Cremonese

Acquanegra Cremonese is a small municipality located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy, with a population of 1,125 inhabitants. Despite its size, this village is rich in history, tradition, and natural beauty.

The history of Acquanegra Cremonese

The area where Acquanegra Cremonese stands was formerly occupied by Lake Gerundo, a large swamp formed by the overflowing waters of the Adda, Po, and Serio rivers. Over the centuries, the origin of the town remains uncertain, although Bronze Age ceramics have been found in a locality of the village. The name of the municipality derives from the union of the Latin words "Aqua Nigra," which refers to the presence of the waters of Lake Gerundo. Thanks to human intervention and natural changes in the course of the rivers, the lake dried up and favored the birth of small human communities.

Acquanegra Cremonese: History, tradition, and natural beauty.

Society in Acquanegra Cremonese

The demographic evolution of the municipality in recent years has been fairly stable. Despite the small number of inhabitants, Acquanegra Cremonese is proud of its traditions and historical-cultural resources. For this reason, for about thirty years, the association "Pro Loco" has been active, which aims to enhance the beauties of the territory, also through the organization of village festivals.

Infrastructure and transportation

The municipality of Acquanegra Cremonese is served by a train station that operates both freight and passenger services. The station is located on the Pavia-Cremona railway, which makes it easily reachable by both car and train.


The administration of the municipality of Acquanegra Cremonese is responsible for managing the public services of the territory, including street cleaning, infrastructure maintenance, and the care of parks and green areas. Thanks to the work of the administration, the village is very tidy and well-kept.

Sports in Acquanegra Cremonese

Despite the small size of the village, sports are lived with great passion in Acquanegra Cremonese. The local football club, founded in 1970, is very followed in the area. Matches against the team from the neighboring hamlet of Fengo generate great enthusiasm within the community.


Acquanegra Cremonese is a small municipality that, despite its simplicity, manages to capture the attention of visitors thanks to the beauty of its traditions and history. The territory is well-maintained, and local associations work to promote moments of gathering among citizens. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit Acquanegra Cremonese and enjoy the unique atmosphere that it offers.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Nov 26, 2022